Refereed Publications:
Min-max propagation NIPS website
B.J. Frey, C. Srinivasa, I. Givoni, S. Ravanbakhsh
NIPS, December 2017
Determining Shoal Membership using Affinity Propagation PubMed
V. Quera, F.S. Beltran, I.E. Givoni and R. Dolado
Behavioural Brain Research, ePub ahead of print, December 2012.
Learning Structural Element Patch Models with Hierarchical Palettes pdf
J.C. Chua, I.E. Givoni, R.P. Adams and B.J. Frey
The 25th IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2012, Providence, RI.
Matching Unstructured Product Offers to Structured Product Specifications pdf | MSR website
A. Kannan, I.E. Givoni, R. Agrawal and A. Fuxman
The 17th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2011, San Diego, CA.
Hierarchical Affinity Propagation pdf | supp material
I.E. Givoni, C. Chung, and B.J. Frey
The 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
Graph Cuts is a Max-Product Algorithm pdf | arXiv
D. Tarlow, I.E. Givoni, R.S. Zemel, and B.J. Frey
The 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
Best Student Paper Award – Runner Up
Learning Better Image Representations using ‘Flobject Analysis’ pdf | supp material | project webpage
P.S. Li(*), I.E. Givoni(*), and B.J. Frey
[(*): joint first authors]
The 24th IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2011, Colorado Springs, CO.
HOP-MAP: Efficient Message Passing with High Order Potentials pdf | project website
D. Tarlow, I.E. Givoni, and R. Zemel
The 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), May 2010, Sardinia.
FLoSS: Facility Location for Subspace Segmentation pdf
N. Lazic, I.E. Givoni, P. Aarabi and B.J. Frey
The 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), October 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
Semi-supervised Affinity Propagation With Instance-Level Constraints pdf
I.E. Givoni and B.J. Frey
The 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), April 2009, Clearwater, FL.
A Binary Variable Model for Affinity Propagation pdf | PubMed
I.E. Givoni and B.J. Frey
Neural Computation,Vol 21, issue 6, pp 1589-1600, June 2009
Exploring the Mode-of-Action of Bioactive Compounds by Chemical-Genetic Profiling in Yeast pdf | PubMed
A.B. Parsons(*), A. Lopez(*), I.E. Givoni(*), D.E. Williams, C.A. Gray, J. Porter, G. Chua, R. Sopko, R.L. Brost, C. Ho, J.Wang, T. Ketela, C. Brenner, J.A. Brill, G.E. Fernandez , T.C. Lorenz , G.S. Payne, S. Ishihara, Y. Ohya, B. Andrews, T.R. Hughes, B.J. Frey, T.R. Graham, R.J. Andersen, C. Boone
[(*): joint first authors]
Cell, Vol. 126, Issue 3, pp. 611-625, August 2006
Matrix Tile Analysis pdf
I.E. Givoni, V. Cheung, and B.J. Frey
The 22nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), July 2006, Cambridge, MA.
PhD Thesis:
Beyond Affinity Propagation: Message Passing Algorithms for Clustering pdf
I.E. Givoni, December 2011, University of Toronto, Canada.
Book Chapters & Tech Reports:
Bayesian Painting by Numbers: Flexible Priors for Colour-Invariant Object Recognition pdf
J.C. Chua, I.E. Givoni, R.P. Adams, B.J. Frey
Machine Learning for Computer Vision,
Edited by R. Cipolla, S. Battiato and G. M. Farinella
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2013.
Factorgrams: A tool for visualizing multi-way associations in biological data pdf
V. Cheung, I.E. Givoni, D. Dueck, B.J. Frey
University of Toronto Technical Report PSI-2006-44, May 2006.